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Online Networking
The RT11 ONLINE NETWORKING system is a very useful tool for delegates attending the RT11. This new feature allows all confirmed delegates, speakers and guests to contact each other, organise meetings and network before, during and after the event using this easy to use, private messaging system. | - Maximise networking time at the RT11 by contacting other registered attendees in advance
- Search other delegates by Name, Company and Job Title and send them a message directly via this secure, private system
- Personal details of delegates will NOT be shared with other users or displayed publically
- Delegates will be sent their username and password once registration have been confirmed
- Delegates can begin networking immediately --- simply login and start messaging!
| DETAILS AND TERMS & CONDITIONS FOR USE: | a | The Online Messaging System is a closed, private service. Contact details such as email addresses and phone numbers, etc are not revealed to other users | b | Private/personal information is not published on any public website | c | The RSPO will not pass the information stored on the system to any 3rd parties | d | Access to the Online Networking System is only available to the conference speakers, paid delegates, event partners and stake holders | e | Access to the Online Networking System is at the discretion of the RSPO | f | One username and password is issued per confirmed delegate | g | The networking system does not constitute any part of any conferences fees and as such the RSPO reserve the right to refuse access and/or remove users at our own discretion | h | Spamming will not be tolerated. Any user considered by the RSPO to be abusing the system, i.e., attempting to send bulk messages, sending or publishing information deemed by the RSPO to be defamatory, abusive, or in any way inappropriate will be removed and may also be refused entry to the conference | i | Networking system users may opt out at any time by logging in and selecting "Opt Out", or by contacting the RSPO Secretariat and request for their details be removed from the system | j | System usage is monitored by the RSPO for operational purposes only | If you have registered for RT11 but have not been sent your username and password, please contact us immediately: Contact Details: Email: [email protected] Tel: +603 7727 8458 |
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